Got up bright and early to hit the water by 7:15AM. Jekyll was a nice marina, and I think I motivated one guy to leave after me when I mentioned we had a 9’ flood tide peaking at 7:15AM. I’d later see him pass me, as well as one other looper.
This was likely one of my longest travel days on the entire trip. Some 65-70 miles, and ten and a half uninterrupted hours later, I docked in Sunbury.
Coming in on a rapidly rising “flood tide” I wrested with the boat not only docking but tying it off. If one didn’t know it was a flood tide, you’d think you were standing on a dock on a running river with the water going the wrong direction. Easily 4mph, which may not sound like much, but when wrestling with a 7500+ pound boat you feel it. And by the time I docked, my First Mate was very anxious to go do his business.
Sunbury Crab Company (and marina)
This place is 7 miles upriver from the ICW, so it wasn’t all that busy on the dock. The marina wasn’t too full either, though I’d guess in warmer weather it’s a lot more happening.
The guidebook I have been using highly suggested this as a sort of hidden surprise. I had peel & eat garlic shrimp, and fries. The shrimp were all local caught, and quite fresh without that shrimp smell. My fries ended up being on the cool side by the time I got back to the boat because…
Ms. Helaine (sp?) can take two sentences and tern them into a dissertation. She’s the proprietor, I’m guessing in her mid-60’s, and seems to be involved in pretty much every minor decision. And she definitely likes to talk, with that down south kind of drawl.
So as we went to have her show me where the shower was located, she took a call and, well, my fries got cold.
I think tomorrow might find me in or around Savannah, GA. I’ll figure it out in the morning. My only goal is to leave by 8:15 and catch the tide on the way out.
What a long day! Kudos to Harry for holding it that long. Sudbury sounds delightful. You'll be in Charleston soon, and I need to get cracking on finding dog friendly places. Hope to see you soon!
Quite a day for you…..! Long day!